Trapezoidal Rule Integrator - MATLAB

Notes: This is MATLAB code that uses the trapezoidal rule for integration using four user-defined parameters (in order): the set of y points (essentially the equation to be integrated, using linspace points as the x variable), the integration lower X boundary, the integration upper X boundary, and the number of "steps". This sample is made up of two pieces of code: the first is the core part of the code, a function named trap_integrate that takes four parameters when called () and returns an approximate integrated value using the trapezoidal rule for integration. The second piece of code, named trapintegratedemo, is a demonstration of a few instances of the trap_integrate function.

The following code was written as part of coursework for University of Mississippi class El E 367 (Computer-Assisted Design (CAD) in Electrical Engineering).

You can also view and download the code by visiting the GitHub repository HERE.

Disclaimer: All of this code is listed here as samples of the work I've done both inside and outside of the classroom here at Ole Miss. Many of these coding samples were done as part of a project for a class I belonged to, or were done for my own personal practice from other years' programming assignments; if this is the case, I have labeled it with the relevant University of Mississippi course number. My code may or may not be correct- it is simply posted with the intent to serve as a demonstration of my growth over time as a programmer, and for the work to serve as a guide to other programmers who are attempting to learn the craft themselves. I DO NOT recommend copying any of my code verbatim under any circumstances due to the risk of academic disciplinary measures being taken against you, and I am NOT responsible if this or any other negative result occurs from use of my code. Using or viewing this code in any way constitutes an affirmation that you have read and consent to this disclaimer, and to the terms of the provided GNU AGPLv3 License. The full license can be found HERE.